Cincinnati Heat Exchangers, Inc. custom designs heating and cooling coils for a wide array of applications. From pre-cooling and dehumidifying to highly demanding heating and cooling applications, we know what you need to accomplish efficient heat transfer.

Cincinnati Heat Exchangers, Inc. knows how to optimize all the various types of heat transfer surfaces to ensure the maximum effectiveness of your coils. Attention to detail is what it takes to select a coil that fits your application perfectly. We select the type of coil you will need, the configuration, and materials required to be compatible with your application. Accordingly, Cincinnati Heat Exchanger engineers take into account the many application-generated variables. Required duty or capacity, component limitations, dimensional limitations, and design to all safety codes are just some of the important factors in the design process.

Cincinnati Heat Exchangers, Inc. will work closely with the customer to design the perfect heating or cooling coil that is a true custom fit.

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